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Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekly Recommendation

So, I know most of you hate my taste in music, but there are some songs out there that you'll probably like that I like. My absolute favourite song by Coldplay (Not Muse, because a few of you actually think Coldplay is decent) including b-sides and everything is "A Spell a Rebel Yell". The instrumentals are amazing, but half of the lyrics I can't understand, so I will search it up and paste them here.

A Spell a Rebel Yell

As far as I can see
All time and circuitry
Is wrong
As far as poetry
Sit down and sing to me
A song

It's 'cause all I want in this world
All I want in this world
Is for you to come home

A spell, a rebel yell
A spell

Soldier, come home to me
You've been away from me
So long

All I want in this world
All I want and deserve
Is for you to come home

A spell, a rebel yell
A spell, a rebel yell
A spell, a rebel yell
A spell, a rebel yell


A spell, a rebel yell
A spell, a rebel yell
A spell
A spell, a rebel yell
A spell, a rebel yell

Yes, all of my recommendations are probably going to be alternative. Yes, I'm doing this weekly. Yes, I'm saying yes too much. GET OVER IT. Oh, here's the link:
A Spell A Rebel Yell-Coldplay

Please actually listen to it. I don't recommend things for no reason.

Enjoy! (Even though you might not)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What's a Earth Hour?

Well, It's been 24 hours since Earth Hour yesterday. I was at a restaurant, which had to keep the lights on, because a lot of bad things could happen if the lights were turned off...


Person 1: Where's that steak of mine? Oh well, I guess I have to just poke around with my fork.

*pokes around with a fork*

Ah ha! I think I found it!

Person 2: Um...nope, you found my arm. WITH your fork.

Person 1: Oops, sorry...I still haven't found my steak yet...

Anyways, my family still participated in Earth Hour, because we had turned off everything while we were gone! Aren't we an environmental family? Anyways, that's all.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The other impossible quiz

Oh look, I'm done this one too. I'm not posting the answers this time. This one is a lot harder than the first one. But, here is my trophy, handed to me by Chris the cat!

See? I'm so proud. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Random whatnot

So, one day, I was on the computer, looking at my evil twin's blog. I notice that there are only 3 FOLLOWERS! Plus, one of them isn't even in 7G! If you are going to keep track of someone's life (which you probably wouldn't even care about anyways), then you should follow the blog. Here's the link. My brother is such a hacker.


Remember, you're doing someone a favour!

Curious person: Who?

Me: I have no idea! JUST FOLLOW IT!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Uh oh, March break is almost over! Even worse, today is Friday of March break, which means it's almost over! Anyways, coins are cool. You're surprised aren't you? I have 13/14 of the official 2010 Vancouver Olympic coins in the collection. That's not good. I NEED ONE MORE! Which one? Well, I probably told all of you. It's this one!

Yes, it's this one. The sledge hockey coin. Sledge hockey is basically Paralympic hockey. They have 2 sticks, one in each hand, and their legs are strapped onto this board with something that looks like a skate on the bottom.

So, do you have it? If so, I WANT IT. That's all I'm saying. If any of you are willing to kindly donate one (if you have one) I will take it, to be polite. Or, we can trade. I have a lot of coins. Probably about 50 dollars of special coins. It's just a guess, I don't really know. Or, I can trade just a regular quarter. I don't think I should be doing this. Oh well, it's for fun. Bye! (Andrew, I will not trade you my hockey coin if you don't have some coin that I want in return!)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Discussing the busy weekend

Oh my goodness! This is probably the busiest weekend I have ever had in MONTHS! *glares at speech*

Speech: What did I do?

Me: YOU! You were the one that caused me all this trouble! If you weren't here, then this wouldn't be a problem.

Speech: *sniff*

Anyways, it's very busy! I have a day camp tomorrow from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, leaving about 3 or 4 hours to practice my speech. On Sunday, I have to go to my friend's house for his birthday party. That's always a whole day thing, so I probably won't get any speech time then. I hope Mr Gould will give me Wednesday when Menan goes to France. Good luck to me!

WAIT...WHAT? I NEVER POSTED THIS YET? Well, it's too late now. Oh well. That was written on March 5th. Today is the 16th. Amazing. I can't believe I didn't post this yet. Bye!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Speeches (And life and all that)

Well, today I had spoken my speech (because, what else are they for...burning? ...Don't answer that.) and it was okay! I hope I got a good mark, because Mr. Gould said my content and presentation was pretty balanced (apart from the awkward walking...heh heh). I didn't seem nervous at all, and time flew right by. I've had experience before, but...i think I lost the speech. Well, I do have it, but it's a hard copy. I'm not typing it out here. Oh well. Bye!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Impossible Quiz answers (all)

Thanks to Tina (Thank you, Tina!), I am reminded of the impossible quiz which took me 1 year to actually finish. Here's my trophy!

Here's the link : http://www.notdoppler.com/theimpossiblequiz.php (EDIT: Flash is dead, but there's an HTML5 version here - https://www.crazygames.com/game/the-impossible-quiz)

Anyways, here are the answers (NOT EXPLAINING)

1. Four
2. No, but a tin can
3. K.O.
4. Click "the answer" literally
5. Put the mouse where it tells you to and go around the game screen and click next question
6. Shallots
7. An elephant
8. Find the Yes! below the S and E in search.
9. The top right "That One"
10. Click the dentures (You get a skip. NEVER USE ANY OF YOUR SKIPS. You get 7 in total)
11. n
12. Click the dot on the i
13. F'Taang
14. Torch
15. Click H-O-R-S-E on the keyboard
16. H
17. Click the question number, 17.
18. Hammer on the stopwatch
19. CLICK IN ORDER! Blue paint, orange paint, green paint two times, yellow paint, and then press Go!
20. Seal! (2nd skip)
21. The top left box. If you wait, you will see that it turns green, so choose that.
22. +1 skip (you don't get a skip though)
23. Bran
24. Click the 'V' in "Lives"
25. Shoe polish
26. Arsefacey
27. Go to 28
28. Abundance (A Bun Dance :D)
29. Egg Mayonnaise
30. Mouse over the button and follow the white trail, don't touch green, click next question
31. Woof. Woof. Woof.
32. Babycham and Human Faeces
33. 7
34. Take your mouse off the screen, wait for 3 elephants to go in
35. DO NOT CLICK THE BUTTON. Alternatively, wait a while and click the green button to go on. (3rd skip)
36. A walk
37. All of them work, I usually pick "No"
38. Mary Rose
39. Cylindrical Adventures (read the next one before you do this)
40. WATCH OUT! Mouse over the button, but you might be very close after clicking the answer to 39, so don't move the mouse after you answer, and then you see pink. RIGHT CLICK! Not left.
<---left, right--->. move over the "bridge" when you right click and click Next question.
41. Click the hair on its head, it will say afro
42. The 42nd 42, last row, second column
43. Tom Cruise
44. Move the 44 to the left, and you will see a part of an arrow that points to a dot. Click that, or you can just do the puzzle so you can understand.
45. Top right button.
46. OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U -explicit- Actually, it only says bastud.
47. Find the red button, but you can't see your mouse
48. Snaaaake!
49. Splapp-Me-Do (The bottom right one)
50. O.K.
51. Just click on one of the monsters repeatedly. It should probably be fast, too.
52. Click the 2nd last one to going to the right.  No  No  Yes!  No
53. ...But Pa might not
54. No, about 20cm off the ground. (Next question has time bomb.)
55. A games console for wholemeal biscuits (4th skip)
56. Click buttons in this order, blue red blue yellow
57. Erm...One?
58. Shepherd's pie (Dracula rules) (WATCH OUT! Read next question)
59. Charge Ur Lazer! That means, click the guy as fast as you can! Don't stop until he "lazers" the bomb. (10 seconds)
60. You have to be honest! If you lost at that question, say no. If you didn't, say yes. It says right there on the question.
61. Click the thumb up (top left corner)
62. Click the moss (the green stuff at the left)
63. Tasteless white filth
64. Egg>28
65. Like question 4, click the "largest" literally
66. Click the exclamation mark after "end of the world!" at the question (10 seconds only).
67. A big hairy arsonist
68. Stroke the cat, move the mouse back and forth on the cat and fill the green bar.
69. Lol, 69
70. Using its anus
71. The green box is moving! Time it correctly, and click the box with the green one!
72. There is something clickable at the middle in between "lives" and the question number. The picture might freak you out. Just saying ;)
73. Top right box
74. No one knows that (Read the next question before answering)
75. This is tough. There is a bomb that will explode in 1 second, but, there is an Escape! button right below the question number (5th skip).
76. Click the sugar once and then the honey twice.
77. Question 77
78. Four
79. Click the U in the box that says "What do you mean?"
80. Filthy Romanians
81. Move your mouse over the lightning rod a lot until lightning strikes it, and there is an arrow. Click the arrow (Read next question before answering)
82. You have 6 seconds to clip all the toenails. Good luck! I screwed up on this a bunch of times before.
83. National Dyslexic Association (Read on before answering)
84. Your job is to avoid all meteors and touch the shooting star. I recommend avoiding them, but watching where everything is. When the shooting star comes by, the whole cycle restarts. The last two skips are in this question, too. You will want to pick those up as well.
85. I loved it!
86. The Prince
87. You will notice the dot after 87 in the question circle is missing, when you hover over where it is, you will see it appearing. Click it. (Read on before answering)
88. Press as fast as possible! You are trying to break Sonic's leg in 10 seconds. It's more disturbing than you think.
89. Blindness (You might want to read the next few questions before answering this)
90. Nonce (10 seconds to answer) (Read on before answering)
91. Mouse under third hole of the paper (it's not at the bottom), and it will rip. Keep following the rip and rip the whole page. (Keep on reading)
92. Descending! You have to be fast about this. Memorize the order of the numbers or write it down. 194, 27, 26, 14, 9, 3, 2.5, 1, 0.4. You have to find it on the people's heads and it's not in order. Enjoy the song! (Keep reading)
93. Move the bomb and click Go! (You can stop reading now)
94. It's a bomb. Don't do anything, it's a dud.
95. Move the mouse out of the game screen, wait for the cat to pounce on the fly and jump off, and click the button. (Read the next few questions, up to 99, they all have 10 second bombs)
96. A right mess! (Keep reading)
97. 10+ times! (Keep reading)
98. CLICK THE WORDS, NOT THE COLOURS, blue red blue yellow, remember that. (Keep reading)
99. Wait until the bomb reaches down to 1, then click next question on the sign.
100. Two, but don't answer yet. Take a break or something, because the epic 10 is coming up. (Read through all the questions before going, they all test your speed)

By the way, you didn't use any of your skips did you? You'd better not. If you did, you might want to restart. You need all 7 skips for the last question.


101. Type in Chihuahua in the keyboard, FAST!
102. Touch the dots, not the squares, and one of them doesn't have one.
103. You might want to right click to see your mouse for this. You have to find a strawberry thing, it's kinda hard, but if you cut the game screen into quarters, it would be at the bottom right quarter.
104. Large yellow sad moon (At the bottom right)
105. Watch out for this one! You have to spell banana. You have to use the b in gooseberry (in the last box), the a in apple (second last box), and the SECOND n in nectarine (second box)
106. After you mouse over where it says put mouse here or whatever, just click your mouse, and don't let go. WHAT EVER YOU DO, DO NOT LET GO OF CLICKING YOUR MOUSE. Left click, not right click. When it stops, click the yellow arrow. Stay on the road.
107. Move your mouse around. It will say GAME OVER, but don't click anything, it's a fake, so just wait, and don't click anything.
108. This one, you might want to write down. Click 4, then click the space bar, then click 8, and then the space bar, then 15 and the space bar, 16 and the space bar, 23 and the space bar, and finally, 42 . So, the numbers are 4 8 15 16 23 42. Click space bar in between each (DO NOT PRESS SPACE BAR AFTER 42). WRITE THOSE NUMBERS DOWN! Oh, and press execute after you do that. NO SCREWING UP. Good luck!
109. Click as fast as you can on the monkey's butt. You're trying to make poo. Once you are done, click the arrow in the poo.
110. If you make it here, congrats! You probably would finish. All you have to do is click all 7 skips.

If you finish all 110 questions, good for you! Don't worry, it takes practice. It took me a year, so you get the point. Good luck and have fun!
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