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Friday, September 18, 2009

The Introduction

Hi people! It's Oscar. I call this post the introduction. Why? Well, it's to introduce myself to you... even though I doubt a lot of you will read it or anything, but it's just in case you do read it, and, it's also homework, so I have to do it anyways. Well, I'll give you some general info about me first. I was born on January the 4th (I know it's early, don't bug me about it) on 1997. I was born in Toronto, Canada, in Toronto General Hospital. My former school was Alexmuir Junior Public School through K-8. I was in band and I played the trombone. I also play the piano. I'm in level 5 and I took an exam in level 4. Going back to the topic of school, I was valedictorian of my school (thanks to all who voted for me). I had a lot of friends, but now they all go to Henry Kelsey. So now, I'm working on making new friends, but 15 people come to SAM from Alexmuir. That's not too bad, except only 3 of them are boys, and the other 12 are girls. So yeah, that's not too great. I have okay grades, about an A-B average, I don't really bother trying to figure that out and I'm not all that good at art (I can't believe I can say that after we read The Dot). Well, I guess that's all, and it's over 200 words now, too (yes, I counted, I'm that specific). I'm done for the month, so uhh...blog you next month? Well, goodbye!


  1. Umm... It's funny, I'll give you that, Oscar, but was it really necessary to count 200 words??? It makes me get the feeling that you are treating this blog like homework instead of something that allows you to make friends! Still, i got to give you a good rating for your blog because,well,I can never be as funny and never be as random and odd...(Come to think of it,I doubt that anyone is more random and odd than you...)

  2. Ha...You sound like a critic o.o. STOP BEING MEAN TO ME!!!*cries*

  3. lolz dun cry, nxt time ur supposed to kick him and yell... it helps :) lolz i swear u 2 are like tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber, y ? cuz ur arguements are bout stupid topics but still funny hahaha :P


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